Welcome to the echoCTF.RED documentation!

echoCTF is a pioneer computer security framework, developed by Echothrust Solutions, for developing, running, and maintaining Cybersecurity related competitions (such as CTF and Cyber Range).

Our main goals for echoCTF include:

  • Completeness - Provide a complete set of tools and applications to develop, deploy and maintain competitions
  • Modularity - Each component has a unique and clear role
  • Expandability - echoCTF's components are designed to permit expansion

The following pages include instructions for installing, configuring and running your own self-hosted echoCTF based events.


echoCTF.RED is comprised of a few separate components each of witch requires its own installation and configuration depending on the use case and event type.

These components are are as follows:

  • Web Interfaces: frontend and backend web interfaces for players and administrators
  • Docker API Servers: Servers running docker
  • Docker Targets: docker containers running as targets that participants attack
  • (optional) VPN Gateway server: for remote access

Project Structure

  • ansible => Ansible playbooks for setting up and updating the infrastructure
  • backend => Admin interface and commands
  • contrib => Various contributed materials
  • docs => Documentation folder
  • frontend => User interface (what you see at https://echoctf.red/)
  • schemas => database schema