Generator commands

The controller provides a set of commands that assist in various generations needed for the frontend.


Generate sitemap.xml for the platform based on the existing player, target, faq, instructions and other settings.

Usage: ./frontend/yii generator/sitemap [profiles] [baseurl]

  • profiles is optional parameter, if present it activates profile links inclusion into the sitemap
  • baseurl takes the base url for all the links that will be produced defaults to


(Re-)Generate robohash avatars for all players

Usage: ./frontend/yii generator/avatar


Populate players with empty auth_key field

Usage: ./frontend/yii generator/auth-keys


Generate profile badge images for all active players.

Usage: ./frontend/yii generator/all-badges [owner] * owner optional user id to change the ownership of the generated images


Update the badges for players that had activity during the past 24 hours

Usage: ./frontend/yii generator/badges [owner] [interval] [limit]

  • owner optional local user to change the ownership of the generated image files (default uid 0)
  • interval optional time in seconds to check that the badges are older than (default older than 86400 seconds)
  • limit limit the operation to this number of players (default 200)


Generate all available registered URL routes on the system for easier testing of the activated endpoints.

Usage: ./frontend/yii generator/urls domain

  • domain A domain to use by default to prefix the generated urls


Generate a local file with the URL routes for when the memcache becomes unavailable.

Usage: ./frontend/yii generator/routes outfile

  • outfile A file to store the routes into, defaults to config/routes.php


Generate a local file with the disabled URL routes for when the memcache becomes unavailable.

Usage: ./frontend/yii generator/disabled-routes outfile

  • outfile A file to store the routes into, defaults to config/disabled-routes.php


Generate a local file with the player specific disabled URL routes for when the memcache becomes unavailable.

Usage: ./frontend/yii generator/player-disabled-routes outfile

  • outfile A file to store the routes into, defaults to config/player-disabled-routes.php