API Documentation

The platform exposes a REST API for public consumption.

NOTE: This documentation is only temporary and will be replaced by a Swagger.io/Postman documentation.

Get headshots

URL: GET /api/headshots \ Public: Yes

  • The collection envelope is called items
  • Every item has the following fields
    • profile_id: integer The player profile id
    • target_id: integer The target id
    • target_name: string The target name
    • timer: integer The time in seconds for completion
    • first: boolean If the headshot was first
    • rating: integer The user provided difficulty rating for the target
    • created_at: datatime The headshot was achieved

Sample item

  "created_at":"2020-09-11 04:15:47"


  • filter: filter through filter[field_name]=field_value example: filter[profile_id]=1337
  • fields: selecting fields through fields=field_name,field_name... syntax eg fields=target_name,profile_id to select only the target name and profile_id
  • sort: sorting through sort eg sort=-created_at,profile_id to sort created_at descending and profile_id ascending
  • per-page: limiting results per page through per-page eg per-page=100, accepted values in the range of [1...100]


  • Simple request
curl -i -H "Accept:application/json" "https://echoctf.red/api/headshots"
  • filter only headshots for player with profile_id=31337
curl -i -H "Accept:application/json" "https://echoctf.red/api/headshots?filter[profile_id]=31337"
  • filter only headshots for player with profile_id=31337 and get only the target names
curl -i -H "Accept:application/json" "https://echoctf.red/api/headshots?filter[profile_id]=31337&fields=target_name"