VPN related commands

General purpose VPN related commands.


Check if a given player username or id is currently online

Usage: ./backend/yii vpn/is-online <player>


Kill the OpenVPN connection of a given player username or id.

Usage: ./backend/yii vpn/kill <player>


Kill all (not just online ones) player connections from OpenVPN and set players offline.

Usage: ./backend/yii vpn/killall

This command connects to the OpenVPN management port and issues a kill command for each active player which currently has an IP assigned to them. Once the OpenVPN operations are complete a cleanup is performed to reset the online status of all players.


Load an OpenVPN instance configuration file into the database

Usage: ./backend/yii vpn/load <openvpn_conf>

The command extracts the following details from the provided configuration file: * Gets the hostname from the running host * Player allocated Network and Netmask * OpenVPN Management IP, port and password to authenticate * OpenVPN status file location


Logout a given player username or id, from the database, ignoring OpenVPN sessions.

Usage: ./backend/yii vpn/load <player>


Logout all players from the database. It does NOT issue an OpenVPN kill command for connected players.

NOTE: Only issue this command when you are certain there are no users connected to OpenVPN.


Save an OpenVPN instance configuration file with data from the database

Usage: ./backend/yii vpn/save <openvpn_conf>

The command looks for a record with the following criteria: * uses the current system hostname as a server * uses the filename (basename) from the openvpn configuration file provided as cli argument


A small wrapper for OpenVPN status files. The details are merged with data from the database.

Usage: ./backend/yii vpn/status

The command uses the status file defined in the Backend Settings=>OpenVPN entries matching the current server.