docker-compose instructions

The docker-compose.yml builds and starts all the needed applications and targets on a single host running docker.

Keep in mind that this may require a lot of memory to run (our tests are performed on systems with at least 8GB ram).

The docker containers use the following networks ranges

  • echoctfred_public: (also a docker network)
  • echoctfred_private: (also a docker network)
  • echoctfred_targets: (also a docker network)
  • OpenVPN: (only availabe from with vpn and openvpn)

Furthermore the following ports are mapped on the host server and containers by uncommenting the ports section in the docker-compose.yml file (use it at your own risk!)

  • udp => echoctfred_vpn openvpn
  • tcp => echoctfred_backend
  • tcp => echoctfred_frontend
  • tcp => echoctfred_db
  • tcp => echoctfred_db

The following volumes are configured and used

  • echoctfred_data-mysql For persistent mysql data
  • echoctfred_data-openvpn For persistent openvpn data
  • echoctfred_data-challenges under backend & frontend /var/www/echoCTF.RED/*/web/uploads
  • frontend/web/images under /var/www/echoCTF.RED/frontend/web/images for frontend logos and images
  • backend/web/images under /var/www/echoCTF.RED/backend/web/images for backend logos and images

You can modify the volumes and port mappings by editing the corresponding values in the docker-compose.yml file.

The following diagram illustrates the docker networks and containers that are configured by docker-compose.yml.

echoCTF.RED docker-compose topology

Starting up

The easy way to start is to use the official docker images and starting them up by executing.

docker pull echothrust/
docker pull echothrust/
docker pull echothrust/
docker pull echothrust/
chmod a+rw frontend/web/images/{avatars,avatars/badges,targets}
docker-compose up

The first time you run docker-compose up give the containers a few minutes to complete the startup process.

Once the initialization process completes, run the following command to connect the mysql server with the memcached

docker exec -it echoctfred_db bash -c "mysql < /etc/mysql-init.sql"

This command will have to be run every time the database server stops or respawned by eg docker-compose down and only once the systems are fully initialized. You can make the change permanent by appending , "--init_file=/etc/mysql-init.sql" to the db command parameters before the closing bracket ].

command: ["mysqld","--character-set-server=utf8mb4", "--collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci","--skip-character-set-client-handshake", "--init_file=/etc/mysql-init.sql"]

NOTE: You need to pull the images manually with docker pull.

If you'd rather to build your own images make you sure you generate a Github OAuth Token to be used by the composer utility. This is needed in order to avoid hitting Github rate limits on their API, which is used by composer. More information about generating a token to use can be found @Creating a personal access token for the command line

Once you've generated your token you can build the images and start them up by executing

composer config -g "MY_TOKEN_HERE"
cd backend
composer install --no-dev --prefer-dist --no-progress --no-suggest
cd ../frontend
composer install --no-dev --prefer-dist --no-progress --no-suggest
cd ..
docker-compose build
docker-compose up

1st time configuration

Configure mail address for player registrations

docker exec -it echoctfred_vpn ./backend/yii sysconfig/set mail_from

Create backend and frontend users to test

docker exec -it echoctfred_vpn ./backend/yii user/create username password
docker exec -it echoctfred_vpn ./backend/yii player/register username fullname password offense 1

The syntax for the commands can be found at

Set the IP or FQDN for the VPN server that participants will have to connect through openvpn. This is the IP address or FQDN that the VPN server will be accesible to the participants. This IP or FQDN is also used inside the auto-generated VPN connection pack that the players use to connect to the VPN and access the targets.

docker exec -it echoctfred_vpn ./backend/yii sysconfig/set vpngw
# or
docker exec -it echoctfred_vpn ./backend/yii sysconfig/set vpngw

Ensure that the docker containers can communicate with the participants. Once the echoctfred_vpn host is up run this on the host you run docker-compose at.

sudo route add -net gw

You can also manipulate a particular container routing table by following the example below. However keep in mind that this route will be deleted when the container restarts, so the command above route add -net, is preferred.

pid=$(docker inspect -f '{{.State.Pid}}' echoctfred_target1)
sudo mkdir -p /var/run/netns
sudo ln -s /proc/$pid/ns/net /var/run/netns/$pid
sudo ip netns exec $pid ip route del default
sudo ip netns exec $pid ip route add default via

Make sure you configure the host dockerd daemon to have its API listen to the new private network. However since the network becomes available only after dockerd starts you will have to bind to (ie -H tcp://

More information about enabling docker API here

Make sure you restrict connections to the dockerd port to only these containers echoctfred_vpn/ and echoctfred_backend/

Your frontend is accessible at

Login to the backend and add a target with the following details

  • Name: echoctfred_target1
  • FQDN:
  • Status: online
  • Scheduled at: empty
  • Difficulty: 0
  • Active: ✓
  • Rootable: ✓
  • Suggested XP: 0
  • Required XP: 0
  • Purpose: this will appear when participants tweet about targets
  • Description: this will to participants on the frontend
  • IP Address: Same as target1 entry from docker-compose.yml
  • MAC Address: 02:42:0a:00:a0:02
  • Dns:
  • Net: echoctfred_targets
  • Server: tcp://
  • Image: nginx:latest
  • Parameters (optional): {"hostConfig":{"Memory":"512"}}

Once the target is created, click the Spin button on top to start it up. If everything is correct you should be able to see the container running

docker inspect echoctfred_target1

Keep in mind that you will have to configure firewall rules in order to limit or restrict who can access the target containers as well as what the target containers will be allowed to access. Keep in mind that these targets are meant to be hacked, so take care at limiting their network access with iptables.