Player commands

Perform player related operations (frontend users).

  • Optional command line arguments are enclosed in []
  • Required command line arguments are enclosed in <>

List players

Usage: ./backend/yii player/index [filter]

Accepted filter values include one of all, active, inactive

Mail players

Generate and mail participant account activation URLs

Usage: ./backend/yii player/mail [active] [email] [status]

  • active: Mail only users that are 0=inactive, 1=active (default)
  • email: email specific email only
  • status: Mail only users that are 0=deleted, 8=unverified, 9=inactive, 10=active

Register player

Usage: ./backend/yii player/register <username> <email> <fullname> [password] [player_type] [active] [academic] [team_name] Register a player from the command line

  • username: Unique username for the new player
  • email: Unique email of the player
  • fullname: Full name for the player
  • password: Password for the user. Special value 0 is used then the system will generate a random password
  • player_type: The player type offense or defense (default: "offense")
  • active: The registered users active status, 0=inactive, 1=active (default: false)
  • academic: Academic user flag 0=non academic, 1=academic (default: false)
  • team_name: Team name, to be created or join for the player (default: false)

Change player password

Usage: ./backend/yii player/password <email or id> <password>

Check player emails against

Usage: ./backend/yii player/check-stopforumspam <interval>

** Examples:**

Check users that registered the past 3 days

./backend/yii player/check-stopforumspam "3 day"

Check users that registered the past 20 hours

./backend/yii player/check-stopforumspam "20 hour"

Generate activation keys for players

Usage: ./backend/yii player/generate-activ-keys [filter]

Accepted filter values include one of all, active, inactive

Generate authentication keys for players

Usage: ./backend/yii player/generate-auth-keys [filter]

Accepted filter values include one of all, active, inactive

Validate Player emails based on latest rules

Usage: ./backend/yii player/fail-validation [delete]

If delete is set to any value the players that fail validation get deleted

Validate Player Profiles based on latest rules

Usage: ./backend/yii player/fail-validation-profiles [fix]

If fix is set to any value the player profiles that fail validation get fixed

Check duplicate IP's

Usage: `./backend/yii player/check-dupips [skip_uids]

Check Spammy

Usage: `./backend/yii player/check-spammy [domain]