VPN Server Installation

The VPN server for the platform is the system that allows participants to connect to the target infrastructure as well as keeping track of the findings.

The following guide covers the installation of the needed applications on OpenBSD 6.6 to act as a VPN gateway.

echoCTF.RED docker-compose topology

Before you start ensure you have the db server up and running as the VPN needs to connect to the database server to operate. Check the DOCKER-COMPOSE-NOVPN.md

The following network details will be used throughout this guide

  • vpn server egress interface: em0
  • vpn server egress address:
  • vpn server targets interface: em1
  • vpn server targets address:
  • vpn server tun0 address:
  • vpn server assigned range:
  • targets network:
  • mysql/memcache server:

There is an experimental playbook you can run locally on your OpenBSD that will configure all that is needed for you.

Before you start ensure you are able to access your existing database from the server by running something like the following

nc -zv 3306
nc -zv 11211

NOTE: If you're using the supplied docker-compose without VPN this IP will be the IP of the docker host and not the container.

pkg_add -vvi git ansible
git clone https://github.com/echoCTF/echoCTF.RED.git
cd echoCTF.RED/ansible
ansible-playbook runonce/vpngw.yml

Once you answer the questions asked you are set to go. Restart the system and once it comes back up following the instructions at After restart and you should be up and running.

Manual Installation

Or if you'd rather execute the playbook in a non interactive mode, copy the file templates/default-settings.yml and edit to with your own values.

cp templates/default-settings.yml settings.yml
ansible-playbook runonce/vpngw.yml -e '@settings.yml'

Alternatively you can manually configure your system by following these steps, adapting them to your needs where needed.

Install the needed packages

pkg_add -vi curl git openvpn-2.4.7p1 mariadb-server easy-rsa \
 libmemcached libtool autoconf-2.69p2 automake-1.16.1 \
 composer php-gd-7.3.15 php-curl-7.3.15 php-intl-7.3.15 php-pdo_mysql-7.3.15 \
 php-zip-7.3.15 pecl73-memcached
# php-mcrypt-7.3.15

Prepare and start the mysql server

rcctl set mysqld status on
echo "event_scheduler=on" >>/etc/my.cnf
echo "plugin_load_add = ha_federatedx">>/etc/my.cnf
echo "wait_timeout = 2880000">>/etc/my.cnf
echo "interactive_timeout = 2880000">>/etc/my.cnf
rcctl restart mysqld

Enable the installed php modules

ln -s  /etc/php-7.3.sample/* /etc/php-7.3/

Clone the needed repos

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/echoCTF/memcached_functions_mysql.git
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/echoCTF/findingsd.git
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/echoCTF/echoCTF.RED.git

Build and install memcached_functions_mysql

cd memcached_functions_mysql
./configure --with-libmemcached=/usr/local
cp src/.libs/libmemcached_functions_mysql.so.0.0 /usr/local/lib/mysql/plugin/
mysql mysql < sql/install_functions.sql

Build and install findingsd

cd ../findingsd
install -c -s -o root -g bin -m 555 findingsd /usr/local/sbin/findingsd
install -c -o root -g wheel -m 555 findingsd.rc /etc/rc.d/findingsd
echo up>/etc/hostname.pflog1
sh /etc/netstart pflog1
rcctl set findingsd status on
rcctl set findingsd flags -l pflog1 -n echoCTF -u root
useradd -d /var/empty _findingsd

Configure the backend

cd ../echoCTF.RED
cp backend/config/cache-local.php backend/config/cache.php
cp backend/config/validationKey-local.php backend/config/validationKey.php
cp backend/config/db-sample.php backend/config/db.php

Edit backend/config/db.php and modify the database host, username and password. The backend needs to be able to connect to the host running the database for your installation.

Run composer from backend/

cd backend
composer install --no-dev --prefer-dist --no-progress --no-suggest
cd ..

If you run all the components (vpn, frontend, backend, mysql, memcached) on the same host import the echoCTF.RED/contrib/findingsd.sql

mysql echoCTF < contrib/findingsd.sql

If the VPN host runs on a different host than your main database server edit the file echoCTF.RED/contrib/findingsd-federated.sql and replace the following strings to their corresponding value. For our example we will use the following details

  • {{db_user}} database username (ex vpnuser)
  • {{db_pass}} database user password (ex vpnuserpass)
  • {{db_host}} database host (prefer IP ex
  • {{db_name}} database name (default ex echoCTF)

NOTE: If you are running the docker container that we provide then a user already exists on the database with the following credentials, otherwise you'll have to GRANT the permissions to your mysql host.

  • mysql user: vpnuser
  • mysql password: vpnuserpass
sed -e 's#{{db_host}}#' \
-e 's#{{db_user}}#vpnuser#g' \
-e 's#{{db_pass}}#vpnuserpass#g' \
-e 's#{{db_name}}#echoCTF#g' contrib/findingsd-federated.sql > /tmp/findingsd.sql
mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE echoCTF CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci"
mysql echoCTF < /tmp/findingsd.sql

Prepare /etc/sysctl.conf

echo "net.inet.ip.forwarding=1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding=1

Create the OpenVPN needed structure

mkdir -p /etc/openvpn/certs /etc/openvpn/client_confs /var/log/openvpn /etc/openvpn/crl /etc/openvpn/ccd
install -d -m 700 /etc/openvpn/private

Copy the server configuration and script

cp contrib/openvpn_tun0.conf /etc/openvpn
install -m 555 -o root contrib/echoctf_updown_mysql.sh /etc/openvpn

Edit /etc/openvpn/openvpn_tun0.conf and uncomment the first line and replace A.B.C.D with the system egress IP.

Edit the script at /etc/openvpn/echoctf_updown_mysql.sh and update the first line with the IP of your database server. If all services run on the local system use alternatively use the same IP we used on the findingsd.sql examples above (

sed -i -e 's#{{db.host}}#' /etc/openvpn/echoctf_updown_mysql.sh

Prepare the tun0 interface and rc scripts

echo "up" >/etc/hostname.tun0
echo "group offense">>/etc/hostname.tun0
rcctl set openvpn status on
rcctl set openvpn flags --dev tun0 --config /etc/openvpn/openvpn_tun0.conf
sh /etc/netstart tun0

Create the needed vpn server certificates and keys

cp contrib/crl_openssl.conf /etc/openvpn/crl/
touch /etc/openvpn/crl/index.txt
echo "00" > /etc/openvpn/crl/number
echo "OPENVPN_ADMIN_PASSWORD">/etc/openvpn/private/mgmt.pwd
./backend/yii migrate --interactive=0
./backend/yii init_data --interactive=0
./backend/yii migrate-sales --interactive=0
./backend/yii template/emails --interactive=0
./backend/yii ssl/get-ca 1
./backend/yii ssl/create-cert "VPN Server"
mv echoCTF-OVPN-CA.crt /etc/openvpn/private/echoCTF-OVPN-CA.crt
mv echoCTF-OVPN-CA.key /etc/openvpn/private/echoCTF-OVPN-CA.key
mv VPN\ Server.crt /etc/openvpn/private/VPN\ Server.crt
mv VPN\ Server.key /etc/openvpn/private/VPN\ Server.key
chmod 400 /etc/openvpn/private/*
openssl dhparam -out /etc/openvpn/dh.pem 4096
openvpn --genkey --secret /etc/openvpn/private/vpn-ta.key
# USE THIS IF ssl/create-crl fails
#openssl ca -gencrl -keyfile /etc/openvpn/private/echoCTF-OVPN-CA.key -cert /etc/openvpn/private/echoCTF-OVPN-CA.crt -out /etc/openvpn/crl.pem -config /etc/openvpn/crl/crl_openssl.conf
./backend/yii ssl/create-crl
./backend/yii ssl/load-vpn-ta

Prepare pf

touch /etc/maintenance.conf /etc/targets.conf /etc/match-findings-pf.conf
cp ansible/templates/pf.conf.j2 /etc/pf.conf
cp ansible/templates/vpn.service.conf.j2 /etc/service.pf.conf
touch /etc/administrators.conf /etc/maintenance.conf /etc/moderators.conf
touch /etc/registry_clients.conf /etc/registry_servers.conf /etc/targets.conf
./backend/yii cron/pf

Edit /etc/pf.conf and replace the address from Line:11 for table moderators_allowed. The current one allows everyone to access all the services. Once done verify the the validity of pf.conf and load it

pfctl -nvf /etc/pf.conf
pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf

Start the services and test out

rcctl start findingsd
rcctl start openvpn

Update your cron to include the following (assuming you cloned the repositories under /root) and make sure you update your PATH variable


  # check target container health status and spin requests
  */2 * * * * /root/echoCTF.RED/backend/yii target/healthcheck 1

  # Perform scheduled powerup/powerdown of targets based on scheduled_at
  */4 * * * * /root/echoCTF.RED/backend/yii cron

  # Restart containers every 24 hours to ensure clean state
  */10 * * * * /root/echoCTF.RED/backend/yii target/restart

  # Generate CRL with revoked player certificates
  @midnight /root/echoCTF.RED/backend/yii ssl/generate-crl

Finally ensure to set the vpngw sysconfig key to the IP that the participants will connect to openvpn.

./backend/yii sysconfig/set vpngw

Also set the PF tag for the firewall/findings rules generation

./backend/yii sysconfig/set offense_registered_tag OFFENSE_REGISTERED

Ensure that your em1 interface is assigned group targets

echo "group targets">>/etc/hostname.em1

Restart the system and you should be up and running.

After restart

Set the mail FROM system configuration key

./backend/yii sysconfig/set mail_from dontreply@example.red

Note that in order to allow registrations from the web interface you need to also set the following sysconfig keys

./backend/yii sysconfig/set mail_fromName   "Mail From Name"
./backend/yii sysconfig/set mail_host smtp.host.com
./backend/yii sysconfig/set mail_port 25

Create a backend user and a frontend user by executing the following commands

# backend user
./backend/yii user/create username email password
# frontend player
./backend/yii player/register "username" "email" "fullname" "password" offense 1