Private Docker Registry Installation

It is advisable to have a local registry for your targets in order to simply deployment and maintenance.

There are many ways you can do that depending on your network topology and available resources.

The following guide will provide instructions on running your own registry.

On VPN gateway (OpenBSD)

The suggested way is to run the docker registry on its own system, however the next best thing as far as flexibility goes is to run it on your VPN gateway and limit access to the registry to dockerd servers.

We assume you followed the instructions from

You can use the provided playbook to setup the docker registry on the VPN gateway

ansible-playbook --connection=local -i, runonce/docker-registry.yml
# or with settings.yml
ansible-playbook --connection=local -i, runonce/docker-registry.yml -e '@settings.yml'

On own server (OpenBSD)

Alternatively, you can proceed with manual installation by following the steps.

Install the needed packages

pkg_add -vi go git

Create a user to run the registry (ie registry)

useradd -m registry
mkdir -p ~registry/storage

Install and configure the go docker registry

export GOPATH="/home/registry/go"
go get
install -m 555 -o root -g wheel contrib/docker_registry.rc /etc/rc.d/docker_registry
install -m 444 -o root -g wheel contrib/docker-registry.yml /etc/docker-registry.yml
rcctl set docker_registry status on
rcctl start docker_registry
chown -R registry /home/registry/storage

As Docker container

There is an official docker registry image available at

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart always --name registry registry:2