Build echoCTF.RED Docker images

Single Image

You can run the fronend & backend applications through docker. The container comes with services and applications pre-configured. You are advised to take a look at the following configuration files: * contrib/apache2-red.conf This is the apache2 configuration used for the applications. You can modify and add extra settings as you please (eg add ssl certifiates).

Clone the base repository and build the docker image with default settings

docker build -f contrib/Dockerfile . -t echoctf_red

You can modify the username and password for the vpn server user by providing the following arguments during build.

docker build -f contrib/Dockerfile . -t echoctf_red  \
--build-arg VPNUSER=vpnuser --build-arg VPNUSERPASS=vpnuserpass

On systems with limited memory you may get similar errors during the build process Cannot allocate memory. Increase your swap space by issuing something like the following

/bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap.1 bs=1M count=1024
/sbin/mkswap /var/swap.1
/sbin/swapon /var/swap.1

Start a container with the image

docker run -it echoctf_red bash

Create a user for the backend interface

./backend/yii user/create username email password

Create a player for the frontend interface

./backend/yii player/register username email fullname password offense 1

Set the mail from address for new registrations

./backend/yii sysconfig/set mail_from

Note that in order to allow registrations from the web interface you need to also set the following sysconfig keys

./backend/yii sysconfig/set mail_fromName   "Mail From Name"
./backend/yii sysconfig/set mail_host
./backend/yii sysconfig/set mail_port 25